Sunday, July 8, 2012

It begins....

Tomorrow I will start to try and lose weight again. I really need to do this for myself more than anything. I am starting to have problems with things everybody does daily, things that are taken for granted until you can't do them any more. I want to lose this weight for myself, so that I can get healthier and hopefully someday be able to have a baby. When I lose my weight I will save up and get the surgery to remove the extra skin, or I will try to find a way to have it funded. Today I pledge to myself that I will lose weight, I will make myself healthier and in the end make myself happier! I want to be 160lbs in the end...if I make it past that, then great, but I'm giving myself that goal.

I am going to make it my goal to update this blog as often as possible and include my ticker for weight loss. Here is the first post with the ticker.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A raise!

Well I got a raise at work....I make $12 an hr now and it's thanks to the bitch.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The bitch....

So yesterday the bitch calls me into her office and tells me that I'm to not challenge her in what she says to me, that she doesn't direct me often and don't challenge her....she has another thing coming if she thinks I'm going to go in silence....I don't think so bitch...this is WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will make her life hell...just wait and see..I'm looking for a new job....I can't wait to leave and tell them why I'm leaving...because she threatened me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My first post and my New Year's Resolutions

Ok, so I decided to start a post of my daily rantings and what ever else I want to write about. Not for anyone to read, but more for me to keep a record for myself of what I've done. So lets start.....

My New Year's Resolutions....

1. I'm going to get back into anime and manga.(I've been out of it for far to long...since I started school in 2007 I haven't put enough time aside to watch/read it)

2. Find a job with benefits or get them to give me benefits or pay for half of my insurance.

3. Pay off some, if not all of my credit cards. I have 9 total.
Wamu (blue one)
Wamu (yellow one)
Capital One
Tires Plus
Care Credit

4. Get new clothes, have at least 2 weeks worth of clothing by the end of June 2011.

5. Find a boyfriend!!! I mean I love Donovan and all but we all know he is never leaving the bitch to come back to me....I realized that long ago!

6. Take a vacation...Disney or some where...just get away. I have 1 week after 8/18/11 paid vacation at work so I'm going to use it.

7. Scrapbook more!!!

8. Buy a new bed....OMFG mine is old!!! I should have gotten one years ago!

9. Try to pay at least 1/2 of my hospital bills by the end of the year...not easy!

10. Save money!!!( this will be hard with anime, manga, and scrapbooking in my life)

Ok, there you have it...I've written everything down so to speak and now I'm going to send myself a message for half way through the year to check up on myself and see what I've done to complete this list.